Friday, February 3, 2012

I believe that an electronic  direct democracy has potential to work , but i have a problem trusting machines. Mostly because their is always someone who can wire them to do whatever they want. I like the idea of having a say  on every issue, but I can't see it being possible  without some sort of electronic system. It sounds convenient for people who already spend time voting and taking part in government, and my problem with it isn't that I feel like one group would take suppress another, I actually think it would do the opposite, but not by much. Even if people could click a survey like window, and vote on bills, I still believe people would click out of them like a sears or target pop-up add unless they'd in the first place. I don't even think that its a big enough issue to even considering tackling, while some of our other issues still exist. I do think that this change is inevitable, but it should be done very carefully and slowly.

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